Saturday, April 18, 2020

AMAZON ADVANTAGE Coupon Discount Code @> 20% Off Promo Special Offer

“​Discover How To​ Entice Customers With Amazon Product Listings That Convert For Private Label, Bundle, Wholesale Or Manufacturing Descriptions!”

Apply this Amazon Advantage Discount Coupon Code and for a limited time only save 20% on Amazon Advantage from Karon Thackston, Marketing Words. More info below…

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Coupon Code : DANIEL20 (apply to discount page above)

Expiry Date : Unknown

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Description : Your eBook on writing Amazon copy was invaluable when I started my business 2 years ago. I have since sold over a $1MM on Amazon! Thanks!  Len Brown – Amazon Seller

“Thank you so much for providing such an amazing book. I have read it in one day and same day I set my amazon seller account. Results : The best visible ranking and index results I got within 24 Hr. I frustrated with Amazon marketing and seller settings, you shown me the correct way, not only the correct way but also practically proved that YOUR SYSTEM DOES WORK 100%, I’M 100% SATISFIED CUSTOMER!”  – Samrat Magar

“As an Amazon FBA seller I am great at finding products, but writing the copy to “sell” them is a whole different story. I have been creating my own Amazon listings for 5 years now and honestly never put much thought into the descriptions or features list of the product page. My main concern has always been the keywords and the title. After reading Karon’s guide, I now understand the importance of these other areas and what a major impact they can have on product pages as well as some big things I was missing as far as the title and keywords went. I learned a key piece of information about the keywords section that I didn’t know (and was a little embarrassed that I didn’t know it). This one tip will save me a whole line in the keyword area. If you are doing your own listings and want them to sell long term, make sure to get this guide and understand the mindset of the wording before you just throw up a page on Amazon.”  Jessica Larrew 

“I just finished reviewing an amazing guide written by Karon Thackston titled Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost Your Sales. I actually wish I would have included all that she’s written in my course! If you already are selling physical products on Amazon or want to, you should get this.”  Dennis Becker

Jump in and get started today! If after 14 days you don’t think this is the best product listing strategies course for you to boost your Amazon sales, simply request a full refund.

This is not just the “what” of writing Amazon product descriptions. You also find out the “why” and “how” so you get a crystal clear picture of exactly what to do to rank higher, get more traffic and sell more products on Amazon.

“I have purchased a couple of ebooks that were – let us say – less than and no where near content rich. I went through the ‘Amazon Advantage’ product listing ebook and I am amazed at how much you packed into that document. The quality of the copy is amazing and the value is incredible. I will absolutely recommend you to anyone that I know working towards the goals of listing and selling on Amazon.”  Larry Shaw

What’s included in the Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost your Sales guide?

“I think the eBook is wonderful and full of great information one does not typically see from the numerous Amazon Selling Gurus who offer expensive courses, and that seem very reliant on only “Product Selection”. I have adjusted my listings to incorporate much of your advice in; descriptions, bullet points and titles. I think you have sufficiently covered the main points and given great advice for listing optimization. It just seems to cover anything related to empowering your listing. Great eBook for an Engineer with about ZERO copywriting skills.” Gary VanSickle – Amazon Seller

“You wrote your ebook for me… well, at least all those like me who need simple explanations, examples and worksheets. I now understand completely about titles, keywords and more that I’d struggled with. I’m excited to work on my bundle listings!”  Rebecca Wilcox – Rolling T Stores

“I am really excited to leave feedback for “Amazon Advantage”. The ebook was my bible during the creation of my Amazon listings. I think it is a must have and a guide to turn to during this long journey of e-commerce. Ι would definitely go for more. I still go back to it whenever I need a tip. Karon is my inspirerer; she made me think completely different about how to communicate with my customers. A completely new world opened up to me! Besides that, Karon seems a wonderful and approachable real person and not some impersonal electronic marketing seller.”   Jenny – ​​Morelle Handbags & Home Accessories

If you’re only selling products that are already on Amazon, you won’t need this information because you will most likely just tack onto an existing listing. Those who manufacture their own products, private label products or those who create bundles or new wholesale listings will find the strategies in Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost your Sales extremely helpful!

What if I’m private labeling the same product as lots of other sellers? Can Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies to Boost your Sales help?

“I have been selling successfully on Amazon for the past eight years and have written several successful Amazon training courses, yet you can always learn new things.

Karon Thackston’s excellent book, Amazon Advantage – Product Listing Strategies To Boost Your Sales is proof that an old dog CAN learn new tricks. I picked a few of my listings that were slow but steady sellers and applied some of her advice to my listings and keywords, and BAM –sales went up almost overnight. I don’t care how long you have been selling on Amazon, or how good you are –anyone can learn from Amazon Advantage – Product Listing Strategies To Boost Your Sales.”  Skip McGrath – Publisher of The eBay and Amazon Sellers News

This e-course is about how to write exceptional titles, bullets and product descriptions so that your listing makes the most sales possible. It doesn’t go into the technical areas related to product listings.

If this Amazon Advantage Coupon Promo Code has stopped working, then click here to look through our database for more Amazon Advantage discounts and deals


This special offer AMAZON ADVANTAGE Coupon Discount Code @> 20% Off Promo Special Offer was first discovered on IM COUPONS.

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