Friday, August 7, 2020

COURSE CREATORS TOOLKIT Coupon Discount Code @> $10 Off Promo Special Offer

“Finally, A Step-By-Step Plan To Take Your Online Course Creation Dreams From Idea To Launch In Just Days!”

Just use this Course Creators Toolkit Discount Coupon Code and before it expires, you will save $10 on Course Creators Toolkit created by Cindy Bidar. Details below…

Discount Page :

Coupon Code : TENOFF (apply to discount page above)

Expiry Date : this weekend only

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Description : I created my first digital course about 6 years ago, and I made ALL the mistakes.

First, I waited too long. I told myself I didn’t know anything worth creating a course about, or that what I did know wouldn’t translate into a course (both lies, by the way).

Then when I finally decided to go for it, I made it too broad. I was trying to appeal to everyone and wound up overwhelming them instead. They didn’t need or want two-thirds of the information I included.

The reason my course was too broad was that I didn’t have a clear picture of the transformation my course was supposed to create. If I didn’t know where my customers were going, you can bet I couldn’t explain to them why they needed my course. Oops.

And of course, because my subject was broad and all-encompassing, it took me for-ev-er to complete. Talk about draining. By the time I was finished with it, I didn’t even want to look at it again, let alone market it.

If that sounds familiar to you, then here’s what you need to know: Course creation does not have to be that difficult.

You CAN keep it simple and focused–and your customers will thank you for it.

You CAN give them the exact steps they need to achieve the goal they’re looking for–and you can do it in a lot less time than you think.

And you CAN still be excited enough about it to share it with the world when you’re done.

I took the lessons I learned from that first failed attempt–and all the courses I’ve created since (more than 30 so far)–and packaged it up in one easy-to-follow toolkit to help you avoid the mistakes and get right to the good stuff.

This weekend only, you can order The Course Creator’s Toolkit for just $17 when you use promo code TENOFF at checkout.

Inside, I’ll give you the strategies and techniques you need to:

Decide on a topic: If you already have ideas, we’ll clarify and refine. If you feel like you don’t have a clue, then my brainstorming technique will help you find dozens of ideas before we narrow it down to the topics you’re excited about and that will sell.
Clarify the results you’re promising: This is a huge hurdle, and if you don’t get it right, you’re going to end up with a meandering course filled with pointless rabbit trails and no clear destination. Worse, you’ll be stuck forever adding new/more/better content, because even you won’t know what fits and what doesn’t.
Assess your course delivery options: If you’re easily overwhelmed by the tech required to run an online business, then this is for you. I’ll help you make the right choices based on your level of comfort, your budget, and most importantly – your customers’ needs.
Plan your course layout and format: Your students will struggle if your course isn’t planned out and formatted in a way that makes sense. I’ll help you design a step-by-step training that lets them easily achieve their goals.
Get it done, already! If you’ve been thinking about or planning a course for years, and just can’t seem to find the time, then this is for you. I’ll show you exactly how to create easy action items you can do, and where to fit them in your schedule so they actually get done instead of just cluttering up your to-do list for the next 7 months (or more).

If course creation is on your to-do list, this is a steal of a deal you can’t afford to miss. Get The Course Creator’s Toolkit here, and save $10 when you use promo code TENOFF at checkout.

You have to first come up with a viable idea, then figure out the format and the design. You have to plan the course roadmap so your customers can achieve the results you promised. You have to solve the problems your students will face along the way.

That’s not really surprising. It’s well-known that people will happily pay for convenience, and online courses definitely fit the bill. Where else can you learn a new skill or achieve a goal on your own time, from the comfort of your living room?

That’s cool too. Online courses give you the leverage you need to design the life you want.

I’ve broken that big monster of a goal down into steps you can actually complete. Each step is presented in an easy-to-follow worksheet or checklist.

…Even if you’ve tried to create a course in the past and became overwhelmed or just

couldn’t find the time to get it done!

Over the past 8+ years, I’ve planned, designed, built, promoted, and sold hundreds of online courses for myself and my clients. From small courses that sell for $10 or less all the way up to multi-week live trainings that bring in $10,000 or more per sale.

And what about those who simply can’t afford to work with you privately? A course offers them the opportunity to learn from you without a big investment.

You also get to serve a much larger audience. This is especially true for service providers, coaches, consultants and others who work primarily one-to-one with clients.

Here’s what I know about creating online courses. If you try to “create a course” you’ll almost certainly fail. It’s just too big. You don’t even know where to begin with something like that.

And from a course creator’s standpoint? Well, that $325 billion is pretty compelling, but that’s not the only benefit.

And we haven’t even reached the actual development, design, and delivery yet. That’s a big old ball of overwhelm all by itself.

That’s what the online learning industry is expected to generate by 2025.

PS: You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If The Course Creator’s Toolkit doesn’t match up to everything I’ve said here, simply contact me at within 7 days of purchase, and I’ll send you a full refund.

Maybe you don’t want to fill your calendar with clients, and would rather spend your time hanging out with the kids or volunteering at the animal shelter or lounging on a beach somewhere.

But first, you have to create them. And the biggest roadblock you’re facing there is that…

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This special offer COURSE CREATORS TOOLKIT Coupon Discount Code @> $10 Off Promo Special Offer was first discovered on IM COUPONS.

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