Thursday, December 22, 2016

CountdownMonkey Discount Coupon Code : $17 Off Promo Deal

A completely new update was recently circulated on the IM Coupons daily deals section. You should check out the full specifics relating to this update by visiting the web link further down. Additional news just around the corner whenever time permits

More info on the full update:

via Pinterest


Make use of the special CountdownMonkey offer deal code above and save $17 off your next purchase of CountdownMonkey by Simon Hodgkinson, Jeremy Gislason of &

Remember that the deal listed here is valid for a limited time only, and may expire without notice.

Simply click on the Red Banner Link above to reveal and copy your CountdownMonkey promotional code and use it to get your limited-time only deal.

* Discovered this special offer has expired? Simply use the search box up above to discover the most current special offers out there for this item.

Let's talk more about "visual scarcity."  This is where you create a visual representation of scarcity, which in turn spurs your prospect into action.

One good example of this is a countdown timer.

It's like a ticking bomb for your prospects. They can see the timer ticking down, which creates anxiety and fear.  And the best way for them to alleviate this fear of missing out is to buy your product.

Point is, triggering fear using visual scarcity works like crazy to generate more sales.  But if you've ever seen some of these countdown timers on other people's sites, you've probably noticed they're not attractive.  Sometimes they're throwing off errors.  And if you don't like tech stuff, then installing and configuring a countdown clock on your own server will be a nightmare for you.

Fortunately there's an easier way...  All you have to do is use Countdown Monkey, which is user-friendly web-based application.  There's nothing to download and nothing to install.  Just log into the bullet-proof third-party server, and with just a few clicks of your mouse you'll have an attractive and deadly effective countdown timer running on your site.

You won't find a faster way to boost your conversion rates, and you won't find an easier or better way to put a countdown timer on your site. So check out Countdown Monkey right now so you can get an edge over your competition

Click on the CountdownMonkey site link above to get more details about this item…


Update info here:

A few more updates in a moment. Thanks for waiting...

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