Monday, March 23, 2020

LOOP EMAIL Coupon Discount Code @> Lifetime Access $161 Off Promo Special Offer

“Communicate, Collaborate And Manage Emails All In One Place!”

Just use this Loop Email Coupon Discount Promo Link and for a limited time only save Lifetime Access $161 on Loop Email created by Intheloop.Io. More info below…

Discount Link :

Expiry Date : Unknown

More Deals : Click here to join and access more deals like this daily…

Description : Loop Email is a powerful email app that helps teams connect, collaborate, and manage shared inboxes, all in one place.

A well-oiled machine is the sum of its parts. And Loop Email makes sure that all parts work together efficiently and transparently, in a single platform.

As a collaboration hub, Loop Email connects your team so you can chat, exchange files, and manage shared inboxes easily.

Start team conversations or side-chat discussions with teammates and eliminate email clutter, without having to switch between your email and half dozen collaboration tools.

Loop Email’s app is desktop and mobile friendly and works with Gmail, Outlook, Office365 and IMAP accounts.

If sharing is caring, Loop Email knows how to spread the love (and split the workload) like a pro.

Manage unlimited shared mailboxes like “info@”, “support@”, and “sales@” accounts from a single platform.

You can assign emails and tasks and always know who’s working on what. No need to shout across the office “Who’s answering that?!” every time a message comes in.

Whether you’re 5 or 500, Loop Email keeps everyone on your team, well, in the loop, so no email ever falls through the cracks.

Happy New Year. Let’s make 2020 the year we stop sending emails about emails.

Give your inbox a breather and keep your team discussions right where you, and everyone else, can see them with the app’s built-in messaging feature.

You’ll also be able to loop a coworker in on a topic with a @mention, chat about an email, work together on a draft in real-time, or create a team channel to send a message to everyone.

Conversations are saved forever. Easily search through conversations right in the platform, without having to CTRL + F your way through 50 email threads.

Your plate is full—and so is your inbox. But you can’t afford to waste hours answering the same questions over and over (and over) again.

Save time, and your sanity, with Loop Email’s canned responses.

Instantly reply to clients directly from your inbox with one click.

Personalize emails, add context, and answer common questions with fast and consistent replies.

Need to revisit an old convo? Double-check that an email was sent? Lookup a client’s contact info?

Loop Email organizes sent, starred, draft, and trashed emails into folders, giving you visibility into who said what to who, and when.

The app also lets you store your most frequent contacts (aka the favorites) and contact info of anyone you’ve ever communicated with.

Teamwork makes the dream work. But if your team isn’t on the same page (or platform) it can kill communication.

Luckily, Loop Email keeps you looped in with your coworkers and your customers.

Lock in lifetime access today!

P.S. Learn how to use Loop Email like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!

P.P.S. Looking for the product roadmap? We’ve got you.

If this Loop Email Coupon Discount Link has expired, then click here to look through our database for the latest Loop Email discounts and deals


This special offer LOOP EMAIL Coupon Discount Code @> Lifetime Access $161 Off Promo Special Offer was first discovered on IM COUPONS.

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