Monday, July 13, 2020

MONEY MASTER CHALLENGE Coupon Discount Code @> $20 Off Promo Special Offer

“No More Ignoring Your Money.Face It, Manage It & Master It With The Money Master Challenge!”

Just use this Money Master Challenge Coupon Discount Code and for a limited time save $20 on Money Master Challenge from Angela Wills, Laptop Lifestyle University. More details…

Discount Page :

Coupon Code : MONEY (apply to discount page above)

Expiry Date : Unknown

More Deals : Click here to join and get more private deals like this daily…

Description : I’ve made it no secret that I’ve had my own issues with money.

I’ve worked on money management, budgeting, wealth mindset and more.
I’ve done well and slipped back into old habits again.
I’ve made progress while also feeling like I didn’t have a really good HOLD on it.

I wanted to be a money MASTER. I wanted to be at PEACE with my finances. I want to feel GOOD about having, spending and managing money.

Yet much of what I was doing most of the years I “worked” on my money felt like band-aid solutions on a wound that just kept reopening over and over again.

And the worst part was I didn’t realize it at the time but I was waiting. I didn’t work THAT hard on my money, just enough to squeek through, because I was waiting.

I was waiting until I had MORE money. THEN everything would be ok, fixed, money-problems vanished… or so I thought.

More money will help me manage all my bills no problem.
More money and we’ll finally be able to travel when we want.
More money and I’ll be able to take actual holidays where I don’t work.
More money and I’ll start saving regularly.

Then I hit six figures, the ultimate “more money” goal, and you know what changed?
NOTHING. Nada. Zip.

Money did not fix my money issues.
It won’t fix yours.

You hearing me? We need to WORK. Work it like you work a relationship and money is a very important relationship. Pay attention to it daily, give it what it needs to grow, give it good jobs and more.

The Money Master Challenge is only $20 in early bird launch and will be $50 regular price after launch. We start August 3rd and you will have access to our private Facebook group. I have over 700 people who’ve registered for this challenge in the past and I’ll be inviting them to come back and join us for 21 tasks and accountability during our challenge!

I’m NO expert in money as I’ve clearly stated but I am a woman on a mission to master my money and I want to know if YOU want to come along with me The Mysterious Marketer?

YES? You’re in? – Then it’s easy. I’m asking you to invest (NOT spend) $20 in yourself and join the money master challenge. You’re likely to earn back what you spend to join this challenge when you do one of the 21 tasks included in the challenge (with more added from time to time).

Say YES and join here!

The Money Master Challenge is series of tasks provided to help you make your money work for you. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit and so over the 21 days of this challenge we will work to create a long-term habit of good money-management for long-term progress!

Unfortunately things are not just going to work themselves out. Mastering your money is a path to an incredible amount of FREEDOM! It’s time to the time to not only make the money but manage the money and save the money so you are a total master and looking at your accounts is a motivator for you! Help is here. Introducing the…

You choose the tasks to do. Do them all or do the ones that suit you best!

In 2018 I hit my first six figure year in my business. You know what? Six figures won’t fix your money problems. I can say that with certainty now. I think I was waiting until I earned more, hoping I’d finally catch up and all my issues would be resolved. Not so. Making more money will not solve money issues – being a master of your money WILL. Let’s work on this together! 

I understand where you are or where you’re coming from. I’m not one of those people who’ve always been good with money. I’ve worked DAMN HARD to get where I am with money right now and I have more learning to do. So I learn and I share and I share and I learn… it’s a wonderful process! 

Hello there! I’m Angela Wills, owner and founder of the Laptop Lifestyle YOUniversity. Since 2007 I have been happily self-employed! 

YES – I said learn WITH me. I will not call myself a Money Master, not even close. I’ve been in debt to the tune of over $30,000 about five times. I’ve gained money windfalls that have been gone in months. I’ve lived in overdraft. 

You will be assigned a points system for each task and you can self-score to measure your progress over the fun… making a game of mastering your money! 

I heard a great way to describe how to look at money. Your money is like a relationship. You MUST put attention to it consistently and purposefully if you want to have a GOOD relationship. You can’t throw some attention at it once in a while and expect things to work out. 

Challenge access in a secure customer area that you can refer to again and again. This is also where you will access the other challengers community. 

I’ve helped thousands of people through my services, coaching, courses and products. I’d love to help you, too! 

When you sign up for the Money Master Challenge you will get immediate access 21 challenge actions you can start working through right away. Here’s what your customer area looks like:

I love to teach women how to use the skills and abilities they have to create profitable online businesses. 

You can’t earn your way out of money-issues. You can’t ignore your money and hope it will take care of itself. You can’t have terrible money habits and expect to grow a thriving, maximized and wealth-generating business. 

I remember one particular time many years ago when buying a BROOM was about to give me so much anxiety that I put the darn thing back becausee I was just too afraid to spend my money on it.

If this Money Master Challenge Promo Discount Code has stopped working, then click here to access our database for more Money Master Challenge discounts and deals


This special offer MONEY MASTER CHALLENGE Coupon Discount Code @> $20 Off Promo Special Offer was first discovered on IM COUPONS.

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