Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jeffalytics Google Analytics Course DISCOUNT #> $458 Off Promo Special Offer Deal

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Use the temporary Jeffalytics Google Analytics Course special offer deal link above and get a special $458 off your next purchase of Jeffalytics Google Analytics Course by Jeffalytics.

Bear in mind that the deal listed here is valid for a short time only, and may expire at any time.

Just click the Red Banner Link you see above and you will be brought to the Jeffalytics Google Analytics Course discount page so you can grab your special offer price.

*If the particular offer given above has ended, just use the search box just above to search for the latest available deals, discounts and bargains for this particular package.

Become a Google Analytics wizard

Master the art of Google Analytics in just 30 days and become certified

There are two types of entrepreneurs:

Those who sit around brainstorming who their customers are while sipping frothy macchiatos

Those who spend time actually finding out who their customers are by doing the real work

There's no question that Google Analytics can give you the insights you need to be the badass entrepreneur you are (no froth here!)

But when you're just getting started, there can be a learning curve if you don't have someone walking you through it.

That's why we listened to your repeated requests over the last year and brought back the Google Analytics Course by Jeffalytics.

The Analytics Course by Jeffalytics will teach you everything you need to know about Google Analytics.

From understanding who your visitors are, to tracking results and turning data points into conversions, Jeff holds your hand and shows you how to do it all.

With this course, you'll learn deep insights into how your business operates, how to better identify with your customers, and how to make the most out of your data.

If you're a Google Analytics newbie (no shame), we promise you can't find a better course to show you the ropes.

In just 30 days, you'll fully understand how Google Analytics works AND you'll be ready to pass the Google Analytics certification. (Print that sucker out to impress all of your co-workers... and your mom.)

The Classic Wizard Plan comes with:

33 HD videos teaching you how to master Google Analytics and start converting ASAP.

Access to other Google Analytics ninjas via a private Facebook group. Find out what's working for them and maybe even share some memes in the process.

On-the-go access so you can learn anywhere, anytime.

Now, ordinarily, Jeffalytics sells this course for $497. (Not a bad deal, considering you'd have to pay a college kid way more to compile all your GA data and attempt to understand it.)

Jeff, better known by his rap name, Jeffalytics, is a Google Analytics O.G.

In 2005, while you were bedazzling your MySpace page, Jeff was helping beta test Google Analytics.

Sure, he's managed Google Analytics accounts for organizations of all sizes.

But what's truly special about Jeff is his ability as a teacher. He's able to take the data maze that is G.A. and make it accessible (we'd even go so far as to say fun.)

Click on the Jeffalytics Google Analytics Course site link above for details on this product…

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